WhatsApp Group Etiquette Guidelines

EPC WhatsApp Petanque Players Group (Currently >90 Members)
Purpose of the group: To facilitate friendly, relevant, and efficient communication among EPC members about playing petanque.
- Remember that everything you post is sent to all members of the WhatsApp group.
- Keep chat focused on petanque! Please do not post about topics not related to the game.
- Always be kind and respectful. Never use this group space to air a grievance or criticism.
- For one-on-one or small group conversations (“Hey, I have your jacket!”), send a private message in WhatsApp. You can also call, text or email one or several people.
- Go here to learn how to send a private reply to someone regarding a post in the WhatsApp group.
- Be brief!
- Post your message in one single text field as opposed to posting multiple texts.
- Avoid “piling on” to repeating threads such as “thank you” or “welcome”.
- If a message asks for a positive response like an RSVP to play, don’t reply in the negative or explain why you won’t be there. Only say if you can attend.
- Your post to the EPC WhatsApp Group may be copied and shared beyond the group. Do not share personal or confidential information such as someone’s address or health status.
- Learn more about how to use WhatsApp here, or use other online resources such as YouTube, or ask a buddy!
- For example, you can silence notifications of incoming messages (you will still receive them and can view them when you wish) by muting incoming messages. View more extensive options to manage notifications for WhatsApp here.
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